Pier 66

Project Overview

Project Location

2301 SE 17th Street
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

Owner's Representative

PO Box 811827
Boca Raton, FL 33481-1827

Construction Dates

  • Start: 07/29/13

  • Finish: 10/09/14

Contract amount

  • $7,192,947.00

Phase I: Seawall
This phase involved the demolition of 1,500 linear feet of existing concrete seawall cap and the installation of new steel sheet piling. The work included the placement of 150 concrete batter piles (14” x 14” x 50’), a 1,500-foot-long concrete cap (5 feet wide and 2 feet deep), and 75 wooden fender piles (12” x 40’). Additionally, 75 mooring cleats were installed along a 1,500-foot, 5-foot-wide concrete sidewalk.

Phase II: Seawall & 127-Slip Marina (Fixed & Floating Dockage)
This phase included further seawall improvements and the development of a 127-slip marina.

  • Seawall: Demolition of 1,000 linear feet of concrete seawall cap and installation of new steel sheet piling, along with 100 concrete batter piles and a new 1,000-foot-long concrete cap and sidewalk.

  • Fixed Dockage: The marina accommodates 16 super yachts up to 150 feet, with deep-water capacity for yachts over 300 feet. The work included the demolition and reconstruction of 19,000 square feet of concrete docks, supported by concrete piles, with pre-cast deck slabs and pile caps.

  • Floating Dockage: Constructed with concrete docks, 36 slips were equipped with electrical, plumbing, fire, and fuel systems, anchored with 18” x 18” x 60’ pre-cast concrete piles.